K is for Kindness™

Welcome to K is for Kindness! We give organisations like yours the opportunity to show that you are on the side of kindness with the Kindness stamp of approval – THE BIG ORANGE K™. We also link businesses that register on our website, where we showcase their brands for added credibility and exposure.

As a business owner, demonstrating your organisation’s dedication to its social responsibilities can be difficult. Conventional marketing efforts typically focus on showing the added value of your products and services. Expressing kindness and other corporate values – such as trust, honesty, integrity, and respect – with these methods can be a challenge.

This is where K is for Kindness™️ comes into the picture. We offer businesses like yours the opportunity to incorporate kindness into their corporate identity with the kindness stamp of approval. THE BIG ORANGE K™ is to kindness as “Made in Australia” is to superior quality and authenticity.

When you sign up to K IS FOR KINDNESS,™ you will receive your marketing pack including logos, and product labels (a starter pack). Your customers will then be able to recognise your business as a facilitator of the, Random Acts Of Kindness™️ customer incentive program and a member of the K IS FOR KINDNESS campaign!

We will also promote your business’s commitment to kindness which will add credibility to your identity.

After you register with us, we will advertise your business on our site. Here, potential clients who need products or services from companies that care will find your business.

Get The Big Orange K Stamp of Approval!

Do You Want to Make a Difference?

Business owners and managers often underestimate the difference that kindness can make within their organisations. Some people mistakenly view putting people first as a less effective alternative to a task-oriented approach.

In reality, kindness is a critical element of corporate values, as it affects how employees, customers and the public view the business. If you want to make a difference, kindness should be integral to your business’s operations as it can improve your organisation in many ways, including:

  • Genuine expressions of kindness establishes brand loyalty and increases customer engagement, which promotes sustainable business growth
  • Kindness improves employee commitment, as it eliminates communication barriers and strengthens trust and relationships within the business
  • The psychological safety associated with kindness also promotes innovation and the sharing of valuable information

Are You A Business Owner Who Wants to Have an Impact?

The benefits of corporate kindness include customer loyalty, high productivity and sustainable business growth. However, incorporating kindness doesn’t only benefit your organisation, but also your environment.

If you want to make an impact on multiple levels, embrace this philosophy. Employees who work in a kind environment have happier family lives, are healthier, and contribute more to the economy.

Customers, suppliers, and other parties also benefit when interacting from a business that has a philosophy of kindness. Kindness trickles down to conducting transactions ethically and professionally, so they receive optimal value from your organisation.

Looking for That Kindness Stamp of Approval?

K IS FOR KINDNESS™️ is social licensing that makes a difference. We help your business demonstrate its passion for others. Signing up with us will showcase your dedication to kindness and the other core values that this philosophy embodies. Lastly, THE BIG ORANGE K™ will remind your employees what it means to be kind to each other and your clients.

After you register with us, we will advertise your business on our site. Here, potential clients who need products or services from companies that care will find your business.

Contact Us Today to Get Started!
Want to Find Out More?

These kind companies are on board. Join them.